
Venn Mind Health Services

When you are experiencing mental health problems or difficulties, it is easy to blame yourself and close yourself off to your loved ones around you. It is vitally important to not distance yourself from others and the world. What you are going through isn’t your fault and there is help available.

We offer help with difficulties relating to the following and more

Schedule a confidential appointment today and take your first steps back to happiness.

We are affiliated with Southern Cross Health Insurance.

ADHD is a Neurodevelopmental disorder that can often be missed during childhood, but its manifestation can affect an individual’s education, social life and many facets of life. In adult life, it can affect relationships, career, social life, even hobbies and physical health. It’s not all bad news, in fact, an ADHD brain will allow the individual to be more creative and can allow a person to hyper-focus on a narrow range of things, and be good at multitasking as well.

One other common neurological disorder is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), high functioning is the new name for Asperger’s Syndrome. Those who suffer from Asperger’s Syndrome can struggle with social skills to understand the social world around them. There are no two similar people with ASD, and so making a definition to fit these individuals is not doing enough justice to his/her heterogeneous condition. However, apart from social limitations, they also have the ability to narrow their focus and interests to uncover their ability to be successful. Their social limitation and other narrowed ability to look at the world does bring a lot of stress to these individuals and this can lead to depression, anxiety even episodes of psychosis.

Are you feeling anxious or is someone around finding it hard to cope with stress?

Anxiety occurs when our perceived threat appears to be bigger than our perceived ability to cope with the threat. Everyone goes through anxiety in their life, and it is not a disorder or illness by itself. It may become a disorder or illness when it takes over your mind and affects an individual’s ability to fully take part in society.

You are fortunate that you are scrolling through Venn Mind but some may not…
Unfortunately, in some individual’s anxiety disorders, they occur partly due to their genetic make-up and adverse childhood experience, however, it is a treatable condition.

The experience of bipolar is uniquely personal. You can’t pursue your dreams and aspirations in life if you are constantly plagued with illness, be it physically or mentally, and there’s no shame or embarrassment in admitting that you need help or that something is wrong. We really have seen it all, regardless of whether it is naturally occurring or self-inflicted. Bipolar Disorder is an array of conditions where mood swings can occur spontaneously without any external trigger event and they cause various levels of dysfunction and confusion in a person’s life.

Have you seen someone close to you suffer from the below symptoms:

  • Persistently feeling low in mood for more than 2 weeks and unable to enjoy activities. This includes things they have previously loved to do, like their hobbies.
  • Ongoing issues with biological functions like sleep, appetite, energy levels for more than two weeks.
  • Constantly viewing the world negatively and having negative thoughts about themselves, others and the world they live in.

All of these symptoms can be the red flag that many people miss. These symptoms increase the risk of suicide or self-harm. We recommend you to reach out for help on behalf of your loved one, as they might be suffering from a Major Depressive Disorder that might prevent them from seeking help for themselves.

It is crucial that once you identify these signals in your friends or family, that you seek help.

When an individual goes through an altered view of reality and/or has altered sensorium which cannot be explained by any medical condition or substance use, then he/she might be suffering from a psychotic disorder. There are a wide array of disorders that comes under the psychosis umbrella. While it is inevitable that everyone will become mentally exhausted at some point in their lives, maintaining healthy habits and being mindful of the choices that you make can help more serious disorders at bay.

We Support Neurodiversity

In the modern world that we live in, awareness about neurodiversity, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has increased. There are some neurodevelopmental disorders that can affect people’s lifestyle significantly when severe. At all other times, ADHD can create a diverse brain that allows them to look at their world in a unique way.

This unique perspective of the world can often help them in succeeding in many life paths. In fact, one in eight people are considered neurodiverse but fewer than fifty percent know it about themselves. Neurodivergent people tend to be high energy, out of the box thinkers, excel in a crisis, and can be bold problem solvers – but navigating the modern workplace can be a challenge.

Here, in Venn Mind we provide consultation with a career coach who can help neurodivergence navigate the workspace.

Our coaches are experienced coaching Neurodivergents especially ADHD



In the modern world that we live in, awareness about neurodiversity, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has increased. There are some neurodevelopmental disorders that can affect people’s lifestyle significantly when severe. At all other times, ADHD can create a diverse brain that allows them to look at their world in a unique way.

This unique perspective of the world can often help them in succeeding in many life paths. In fact, one in eight people are considered neurodiverse but fewer than fifty percent know it about themselves. Neurodivergent people tend to be high energy, out of the box thinkers, excel in a crisis, and can be bold problem solvers – but navigating the modern workplace can be a challenge.

Here, in Venn Mind we provide consultation with a career coach who can help neurodivergence navigate the workspace.

Our coaches are experienced coaching Neurodivergents especially ADHD